Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
PCAP.ZIP | Yes | 6632 | 3/1/1991 | Saves Prodigy screens to COM files for review |
PRODHP13.ZIP | Yes | 95638 | 9/15/1990 | PrtSc, key macros, mouse drivers for Prodigy |
PRODIGY.WRN | No | 4509 | 12/9/1990 | User's warning about problems with Prodigy |
PROFON21.ZIP | Yes | 45349 | 6/12/1989 | Prodigy online svc dialing menu for portables |
STAGEDAT.ZIP | Yes | 43795 | 6/12/1991 | Utility to strip Prodigy STAGE.DAT file |